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A Brief History

The church is known to date from the end of the 12th century but because of its spectacular location it is quite possible that there was a Saxon church on the site or even an earlier Pagan temple as the known route of the Roman road from Silchester to St Albans crossing the Thames at Hedsor Wharf runs close by. 


The earliest know references to a church on the site are in the Charter of Missenden Abbey of the 13th century and in the Assize Rolls for Bucks of 1240-1. Although there are references to the Lord of the Manor Rowland Hynde, who died in 1608, carrying out restoration work on the church it is not known what this entailed. However by 1640 the church was reported as being in some disrepair and this may account for the three small tree stumps recently found embedded in the south wall of the chancel.

The building was extensively modified by Lord Boston (Hedsor House) over the second half of the 19th century with the North aisle being added, the south porch converted to a baptistry, a new porch created in the north west corner and the whole of the interior remodelled.


Extensive restoration work including the installation of a new organ and the building of a new toilet were carried out between 1995 and 2004.


To read more about the history of the church, a full colour copy of 'A History and Guide for St Nicholas’ Hedsor' by Jonathan Rushworth is available for purchase in the church.


Friends of St Nicholas'

The Friends have their origin in the organisation formed in 1995 to fund the Millennium restoration and, after the completion of the church toilet in 2004, reformed to be a committee established to raise general funds to be used for exceptional items of expenditure on the church, both capital and special maintenance. Major projects have included: repairs to the South Wall, gazebos for use at the annual Church Fair, new Church radiators, a BBQ, refurbishment of the Church path, a mower and a 'House-in-the-Wood' which provides a location for Young Church to undertake their church activities on a Sunday.


We are very grateful to those who continue to give to support the work of the church.


If you would like to give to support  the work at St Nicholas, you may wish to set up a one-off payment or a standing order; please contact the Parish Priest

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